Privacy Policy
Eco Packs Inc is committed to protecting your privacy on this website.
We collect personal information voluntarily from our visitors. Personal information may include a person’s name, title, company, address, phone number, email address, and other relevant details. Most of our sites don’t require this kind of personal information to be accessed. We do, however, require it to properly fulfill product information requests and provide proprietary access to our Marketing Support web pages for our authorized partners.
We only use the personal information we collect to process a request for information from you or to market our products or services. Information about our customers is never rented or sold to outside parties.
If you would like to update your information, please email us at or write us at Eco Packs Attention: 27-1, Jalan Desa, Taman Desa, 58100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Please provide us with your full name and phone number in case we have any questions. Visitors to our website’s web server also provide their domain names, but not their email addresses. This data is compiled to calculate the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed, and other relevant statistics. We collect this information to assess site usage and improve site content.
Links to other websites may be found on the Eco Packs website, and we make every effort to only link to sites that uphold our high standards and respect for privacy. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other sites, and you are responsible for your visits to those sites.